Monday, December 19, 2011

Sheryl Sandberg

Title: Chief Operating Officer, Facebook
Age: 42
Country of Citizenship: United States
Hometown: Washington, D.C
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Harvard University & MBA from Harvard Business School
Marital Status: Married
Children: 2

Sheryl Sandberg joined Google in late 2001. At that time, her title was Business-Unit General Manager, although there was no business unit. At the time, Google was working on program called AdWords, a program for selling the small text ads that appear next to related search results. Sandberg volunteered to work on the project with four other employees, and before long, AdWords was making money.

In 2002, Sandberg helped arranged a deal with AOL to make Google its search engine. "Marissa Mayer, who was the first female engineer to be hired by the company, says, She got the AOL deal running. She was tough and she was fearless.”

In 2007, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, hired Sandberg to be Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, because he seen her as a professional who was a perfect fit- a really good manager and she was very analytic, focussed on strategy.

By 2010, a company that was bleeding cash when Sandberg arrived had become profitable. Within three years, Facebook grew from a hundred and thirty employees to twenty-five hundred, and from seventy million worldwide users to nearly seven hundred million.

Sheryl Sandberg’s message is very powerful. It’s a simple one, "which she defined as: Don’t worry so much about balance. Work hard, stick with what you like, and don’t let go. Start out by aiming high. . . . Go home tonight and ask yourselves, What would I do if I weren’t afraid? And then go do it!"

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